Unser Kindermädchen ist ein Millionär
Francaise title: Ma nounou est un millionnaire
Russian title: Наша няня – миллионер
Original title: Unser Kindermädchen ist ein Millionär
Alternative titles:
Un domestico milionario
Comedy – Germany
Production year: 2006
Movie length: 90 minutes
Director: Bettina Woernle
Writer: Günter Knarr, Philipp Weinges
Cinematograph: Andreas Köfer
Movie description:
Life is easy for the son of a rich tycoon.
His life consists party’s and fun and his future position at his fathers corporate group is only a necessary evil to keep his lifestyle. His father, who believes in the traditions of his family has big worries for the future of his group and his son, who doesn’t know what it means to work for a living.
So he orders the whole management team, to go back to basics for 2 weeks. For his son he has already a special job, to work as a nanny for the three kids of a businesswoman.
Boy Actors
Fabian Grass(Walter Gruber)
Year of birth: 1990
Age of the actor:
approximately 16 years old
Adrian Wahlen(Hänschen Gruber)
Birthday: 05.08.1997
Age of the actor:
approximately 8 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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